Saturday, October 15, 2011

PT Test

Yesterday I started PT (physical therapy) for the 2nd time (different doctor, new insurance).  It’s to deal with my major back and leg pain I have going on and my  newly diagnosed bulging disk.  Just by the little stretching my PT therapist did with me, I feel an improvement already.  But what I was so interested in was this little test he gave me. 

As soon as I came home, I started asking everyone to try it to see what their response was to it.  So…I want you to try it.  Here’s what you do -   BEWARE DO THIS NEXT TO SOMEONE OR NEXT TO YOUR BED/COUCH…I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INJURIES INCURRED WHILE TRYING THIS OUT---YOU ARE FOREWARNED!!!!

1.  Put your feet together and stand straight up

2.  Cross your arms over your shoulders and put your elbows up a little

3.  Get ready to start counting by seconds

4.  Clothes your eyes


So what happened?  Anything?  Did you fall over?  How fast did you fall over?  How long did it take for you to fall over?  Or were you able to just stand there with no problem?  I want to know how other people responded.  The only problem is I forgot to ask what all it means LOL.  I think it has to do with my equilibrium, which I have always known was off, but I will ask when I go next week.  But PLEASE let me know your results.  I am just SO curious.


Lindsay said...

My sis and I both tried it. We stood still. :)

Rochelle said...

Haha!!! I have not tried this yet but will need to soon with someone next to me. ;) Love that warning!! LOL.