Monday, September 19, 2011

Miss A. Funnies

Miss A. is definitely the 3rd child.  She comes up with the funniest things and they just blurt out of her mouth.  Here are a few to add to the list:

hanitizer = sanitizer

cockcorn = popcorn

The phone rang the other morning and it was a solicitor so I didn’t answer it.  And Miss A. says, “what if it’s the mental institution?”  Who knows where she got that from.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fibro Friday: Doctors in My Life

I have been thinking lately of all the doctors in my life and boy are there a lot of them. Most weeks I have at least 1 doctor appointment.  At least 1 or 2 weeks a month I have 3 doctors appointments in that week.  And I have needed to make appointment for my girls, but just haven’t had any time.  Besides my primary and girly-doctor, I see a Pain Specialist, Sleep Specialist, Rheumatologist, Neurologist, and Breast Surgeon.  Oh, and I just got cleared by my Endocrinologist and Dermatologist and I haven’t seen an Allergist in a while. 

Thank the Lord for great insurance and time to go to all these doctors.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Tankini Time

This past weekend I wore a Tankini for the first time, well… since our honeymoon.  I just can’t believe it.  Now this one still has a little skirt on it, but nothing like the "dress" suits I have been wearing for the last however many years.  A friend gave it to me probably 2 years ago and there is has sat in my drawer.  But not anymore.  I am rockin’ it on my body now Smile.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September is Here, Where is Fall?

I love Arizona and the people that are here, but this August has been horrible.  I thought we were gone most of July to beat the heat, but it returned in vengeance the past few weeks.  And now September is here, but Fall is no where in sight. 
The beginning of September is usually when I start decorating for Fall.  So technically I would start now, but I just don’t know if I can bring myself to do it. It is just too d%@# HOTTTT!!!!   Fall is my time of year and I like to get a good 3 months of decorations in, but not sure what’s going to happen this year.  Let’s hope and pray for cooler weather soon and that I have the energy to decorate when it’s time. 
So even though I haven’t decorated my house for Fall, my blog will begin the makeover.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!!!  May you take the day and spend it with the ones you love creating great memories and long lasting relationships.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Fibro Friday: In a Nut Shell

So here was my week in a nut shell….way to busy.  I am shocked that I am even standing this Friday night.  I had too many doctors appointments (thank goodness my appointment today was rescheduled by the doctor until next week), sort of an urgent ultrasound done to rule out a blood clot in my right calf (still  have to figure out why it’s swollen), grocery shopping, menu planning, running errands for ML, ML starting a new job, ML being gone 3 nights out of this week and the first week of me doing all drop off and pick up for the girls at school. 

I am so tired and wiped out.  And super thankful that tomorrow is Saturday and that this is a 3 day weekend.  I’m totally not looking forward to my body catching up with me.  But I am hoping there is some help on the horizon for me and my excessive daytime sleepiness.  And just thankful I made it through this week.