Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mommy Confession

Hello, my name is Beckey and I have gray hairs.  See that, plural, I have multiple gray hairs.  And I am depressed….well, not in a real depression sort of way (I know life could be way worse).  Out of everything I have received from genetics, I tend to receive more from my dads side. EXCEPT THIS!!!!  This comes from my moms side, who started graying by early 40.  My dad is the one who finally started getting gray in his 60’s.  So why did I not get this ONE trait from my dad????

I really wonder if it has to do with all of the heavy meds I have been taking over the past 8-9 months.  But this stinks, and it is only on one side of my head (the same side as my mom).  I probably notice it more than anyone, but I know other people have noticed it.  I am 33 and NOT ready for gray!  so it is time to do something about it.  I want to feel better about myself and I want to feel as young as I really am.  This week I will be experimenting so I’ll see if I come up with something I like (don’t worry, professionals are involved).

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I just colored my hair for the second time two nights ago and it's easy and works great! I'll help if you want!