Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Thought

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."  Matthew 11:28

This verse is so more apparent than it ever has been.  I am in so much pain right now.  On a level of 1-10 we are talking a 15.  I just can't stand it.  My pain meds are working, but don't last too long.  It doesn't help that I have two new infections in each breast.  I feel like I have two bowling balls hanging for each breast. 

We are in the process of moving and getting the house ready to sell.  It will go up on the market next week and there is so much to be done.  But I just can't.  I've called mercy and I am DONE.  I am praying that the Lord will bring some friends to help, but trusting that HE is with us and will see us through.

Lord, please see me through!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Fibro Friday: I *Heart* Laptops

I have always wanted a laptop for different reasons.  But recently I realized that it would really help with my FM.  It would give me more flexibility and cause less pain for me.  Our old computer desk would cause me a lot of pain if I had to work their for a long time.  My arm would be in tons of pain from the mouse.  And there were days I needed to do stuff on the computer but hurt to much to sit there or was just too tired. 

I have had a laptop for less than a week now and I LOVE IT!!!!  It gives me the flexibility of sitting on the couch or laying in bed to use the computer.  It's easier on my arms and hands and I'm able to be in a comfortable position while using it. 

I am just so thankful that we were financially able to afford one.  It is going to be my friend for a long time.  And now, I know I will be posting blogs more often since it is right at my fingertips.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


This summer the humidity has been horrible in Az.  And for some reason, my FM seems to be reacting negatively too it.  It makes me physically sick, nauseated, week, light headed, and on.  I don't remember it ever being this bad.

One websites states:

"Humid climates, like that of the Southern United States, can cause more pain and bring on other symptoms for a fibromyalgia sufferer. The moisture in the air can equate to more pain in muscles, while dryness is more tolerable."

I can testify to this, humidity sucks! I can't wait for September and cooler weather.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Child After My Own Heart

Today began a new adventure with me and my 4th grader...I taught her and her friend some cheerleading jumps and cheers.  It brought back so many memories of my try outs and fun when I was in cheer.   She can't believe how good she was doing and even asked:

"Mommy, do I have cheerleading in my blood?"

If it were scientifically true, I would say YES!!!  I am a cheerleader at heart and it makes me smile to see that one of my daughters is interested in it.  Now I get to to be involved with my girls and their cheerleading lives. 

Try outs are tomorrow.  (Their school has girls 4th to 8th try out and I am pretty sure it's going to be one of where all the girls make it.)  Say a prayer and let's hope she makes the squad.

Fibro Note: So of course as I started coaching them, I knew that I was going to pay for it.  But it's kinda like how can I not show my daughter this stuff.  I tried to sit as much as possible, but I was still in pain.  Tonight, my arms are killing me.  I can hardly lift them.   And by chest bone is killing me.  Oh well, I couldn't have passed up this moment.  I'll put up with some pain to see joy in my daughters eyes.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Leap of Faith

As of about a week and a half ago, our life started a new chapter.  I've mentioned before that ML has been struggling with some medical stuff and it became apparent that he was not going to be able to continue with his current job.  So after 10 years of teaching, he retired/resigned.  

This was a huge leap of faith for him and I.  He has no back up job and we are completely and totally relying on God.  We know that God has something completely better for him that will suit his needs.  We have actually been completely at peace since we made this decision.

We are excited to see where God leads and what He has in store.  Sometimes it takes a leap of faith to get to where God really wanted you all along.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dear Blog

Dear Blog,

Oh how I have missed you.  This summer has been crazy with tons of traveling and re-cooperating.   We just got home from our last trip of the year, S. Africa.  I hope to update you soon with new blogs about our life.  Thanks for being here.
