Monday, October 10, 2011

Make-up: Part 1

I am honestly not that vain of a person (minus the gray hair part).  Do I go out of the house without make-up on?  Yes.  Do I pull my hair up and just go run errands?  Yes.  I can be seen in my worst and have been seen in my worst.  But for your average, feeling well day I choose to get all dressed and ready before I leave the house.  I choose this for me!

I was recently at a Mary Kay party where a friend’s friend was talking about her everyday appearance.  How she drops off the kids at school in pj’s with no bra, rarely ever wears make-up, and doesn’t care what outfits she wears when she is out and about (I told her she needed Stacy and Clinton from “What Not To Wear”). 

This conversation really made me think.  As women, I think a lot of us get to the point where we just don’t take care of ourselves.  We just let ourselves go.  Where the same things around the house, never do our hair or make-up.  We are just stuck in “mommy life.”  It was after my 3rd child that I started slowly with my hair.  I was done with the ponytail look, everyday, morning and night.  So I made the step and went for a cute hairstyle.  And I have kept it ever since.  And now with the weight loss, I had decided that enough was enough.  I am taking charge of my own body. 

So mommies it’s time to take charge!  Take charge of your beauty and your life.  It will make you feel better, it can even improve your marriage.  But it’s time.  Do it for yourself.  You deserve it and you owe it to yourselves and to God.


1 Corinthians 6:19-20  (NASB)

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.”

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