Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm Famous...

...well, my boobies are :).  As posted before, I have this rare breast infection going on.  And yes, it is still going on.  So anyhow, this rare disease has completely stumped my doctors and they are having a hard time treating it.  My breast surgeon was scheduled for a medical conference and they ended up changing it to a Granulomatous Mastitis conference (which is what I am suffering from) and it was there that I found fame.................My breasts were presented at the conference (no, not in person).  I feel so honored (yes, I am a dork). 

Actually, this is very cool in the fact that I had I-don't-know-how-many doctors talking about my case.  They all conferred as to what steps should be taken, what steps shouldn't be taken (like surgery), and what medicine they should try to help me out. I mean, I figure it can't get any better than that, right?

Even though my doctors don't know why I have this rare infection/disease or how I got it, they are at least committed to helping me through and finding something to help heal/cure this pain in my butt.  I really can't stand to have any more biopsies (of course, I will if I have to *pouting*), but I would really like this to be gone.  I would like my breasts back (and so would ML :).  I am tired of them being sore, having holes in them, and looking like they got beat up in a fight. 

But as I always say...It could always be worse!!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Great News

Yayyyy, it's not cancer.  The results of the biopsy came back and it is still this darn Granulomatous Mastitis.  So now we wait to see what my doctor's want to do.  But the huge blessing is that it's not cancer.  Thank you Lord!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Waiting Again...

Well, the wait begins again...  Here I sit on a Friday night with 2 new holes in my boobies.  As of to date, I have had 1 MRI, 3 Mammograms, 5+ Breast Ultrasounds, and 5 Breast Biopsies.  I am weary and tired.  I wish my breast issues would just disappear.  But they haven't so I am dealing with it. 

So we wait...until Monday afternoon when the doctor calls with the latest results of today's biopsies.  Today was really hard on ML and well, I was just extremely tired (and of course in pain).  Chances are that it will not be cancer (just like the other breast), but there is still that small thought in the back of your mind that it could be cancer.  Whatever it may be I know that God is with us and will see us through.   But I am weary...weary of the pain, weary of the emotions, weary of the worry, weary of the fear.

And so we wait....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hands, Wrists, Arms

Today, for some reason, I am having a hard time with my hands, wrists, and arms.  Well, it's been going on for a few days/week or so now, but it seems way worse today.  I have one thumb that is killing me to use, so I have been trying to not use it.  It hurts to pick anything up with my hands, move my wrists, and even use my arms.  Holding a telephone is seeming like a huge task today.  Typing is ok since my arms are still.  Thank goodness for texting because I don't want to pick anything up (not even my cell phone).

I am hoping that it is just a type of a fibro flare-up and hoping that it isn't any arthritis.  Guess I will never know until I go to the doctor.  Here's to hoping that the pain goes away, that my 3 year old realizes mommy can't pick her up today (let alone hold her hand), and to good friends helping us pack and move boxes.

Pumpkin Patch Fun

We went to the coolest Pumpkin Patch in Bakersfield, CA last week. There was barely anyone there. It was decorated and layed out so cool for the Fall season, we loved it. We had a nice picnic and tons of fun picking out all of our pumpkins. They had so many different pumpkins, way better than anything in Az, and they were so cheap. We got big ones, small ones, white ones, green gourdes, yellow jelly fish looking ones, etc. So here are some pics of our fun day.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kid Funny

Me to Little A:  "Are you going to keep those dimples?"


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kid Funny

Over the past few months, we have really been working with our girls on praying.  We want them to get comfortable to pray and to know how to pray.  It has really been working.  Well, lately at night, my little A has been wanting me to practice praying with her.  And so this is how the conversation goes (the same way every night):

A: Mommy you pray for Elmo first.
Me: Dear Jesus, be with Elmo, amen!
A: Dear Jesus, be with twinkle littler star, amen!  (all which she takes 5 seconds to say)

I just love the pure hearts of children.  It makes me smile and I can only imagine how Jesus feels hearing a prayer from a 3 year olds heart.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Heaven or Kevin?

My little A just loves the movie Up.  For weeks, she watched it 2-3 times a day.  She can quote certain lines and when putting her to bed she would ask non-stop questions about the people in the movie.  She just loves Mr. Fredrickson, Russel and the bird Kevin. 

A few weeks ago, my parents dog had to be put down (she was very old and had cancer).  So little A started asking if Ginny was in heaven.  She knew that Ginny had gone to be with Jesus in heaven.  Of course she had tons of questions about heaven.  We told her that Jesus has a house in the sky called heaven and that it is so high up that we can't see it.  It has been a great teaching tool.

The funny thing is that when she pronounces heaven she says "kevin."  So my question is:  is she not able to pronouce heaven with an h or is she confusing heaven with Mr. Frederickson's house being up in the sky from the balloons and Kevin the bird sitting on the house?  She talks about Jesus being in "kevin", but I guess I may never know which one she is actually talking about.  She can pronouce h's normally, but maybe heaven is just a hard one for her? 

Anyway, it just brings a smile to my heart.  Either way she knows there is a Jesus and he lives in "kevin" and that maybe there is also a bird named Kevin up there too.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thankful Sunday!

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
On this Sunday, I will be thankful for the head cold I have.  Even though I feel like my head will explode, I am thankful it's not cancer or a brain tumor.  I am thankful that it will only last a week or so.  I am thankful that I am the only one who has it in the family.  I am thankful that I have it this weekend rather than next weekend when we will be traveling to CA (a surprise from ML).
I pray that my girls and ML don't get sick.  I pray for my Grandpa who is still in the hospital.  I pray for others who are suffering more than I am.    
What are you thankful for and what are your prayers?