Friday, December 9, 2011

Fibro Friday: Back Injections

A couple months ago I started physical therapy as part of my pain management.  Another part of the treatment has been having injections in my back of steroids.  I have had 2 injections now and thankfully they are working.  The first one started working pretty fast which I was happy about since I have heard you never know what might happen.  And the second one worked and the doctor said we could stop at 2 which is awesome.

It is pretty interesting when I am done with them and being released.  My legs, especially my right, become very numb and I can’t walk.  It was quite humorous I can imagine watching my mom and I the first time trying to get into my house.  The second time, ML went so that he could be with me and I think he was shocked at how much it affected my legs.  Good thing he is nice and strong and could get me into the house with no problem. 

I am glad to be done with them for now and so thankful that they have worked.  Woo hoo for pain going away!!!!

1 comment:

wittygal said...

That would have been fun to watch. Too bad I can't see your house from my front door anymore. Boo-hoo, miss you guys!