Saturday, December 17, 2011

Gingerbread House Fun

We always end up doing Gingerbread Houses at some point doing the Christmas Season.  We have become “honorary neighbors” to some friends of ours even though we live several miles away.  Our friends were hosting breakfast for their neighbors and we were invited.  It was such a cool thing, I hope to do it for our neighbors one year.  But anyway, my friend Veronica bought the simplest stuff for the kids to make gingerbread houses with.  My girls had so much fun and it was so easy.  I will definitely do it this way next year (just use graham crackers, frosting, and candy).


gingerbread houses 2011gingerbread houses2 2011gingerbread houses3 2011gingerbread houses4 2011


wittygal said...

When did you start posing pics? I love it, now that we live SO FAR AWAY (just kidding).

wittygal said...

I meant POSTING pics, seriously right?