Monday, August 22, 2011

Mystery Solved!

I’ve solved a mystery this early (well, not that early) Monday morning.  For the past 3 years, except this summer, we have gone on a family vaca to Cali with the in-laws.  And every year while we are there I get this annoying itch.  It’s like a rash, though you can’t really see anything.  It attaches itself where ever it wants and can last for months (even when we return to AZ).  One year it was on my butt and arms, another on the front of my legs, and the last was on my neck.  I’ve gone to the doctors and they can’t figure it out (what a shocker). 

But TADA!!!!  I did this morning…we didn’t go to Cali this summer and I didn’t get the rash.  Soooo what that must mean is I am some how allergic to the sea air?  The one year it was the worst we stayed directly across from the beach and the other two years we were an hour outside San Diego.  Now I have gone to Bakersfield with no problem (there’s probably a joke in there somewhere).  So it’s gotta be the salt in the air??? 

Just a guess here, but it’s the only thing that makes sense.  And since I love the beach so much, I guess I will just have to put up with the rash.  Oh, how I wish I was at the beach right now.




June 2010 (pre-weigh loss) :)

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