Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rare Am I

So many things that happen to me medically seem to be rare or unexplainable things.  I guess I'd rather be rare than ordinary, but at times it can be so frustrating.  And I'd rather not be as rare as a friend of mine.  Poor thing is always having the most rare and life threatening things happening to her.  (The Lord has given her so much strength to get her through.)

Of course with my Fibro Fog I can't remember all the rare things that have happened to me, but here are a few:

  • I can't eat fruit and doctors have no explanation as to why.
  • My epidurals always stop working at some point during a delivery and the doctors have no explanation.  They just say this usually doesn't happen.
  • I have been battling a rare breast infection (only 1% of biopsies are this infection).  There is not a lot of information out their for the doctors to know how or why women get it or even on how to treat it.
So Rare Am I!  I accept it and live with it.  How rare are you?

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