Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why blogging?

I have been thinking lately about why I chose to start a blog.  I was originally wanting to inspire others with FM, other moms with FM, and just plain-old (no emphasis on old at all) mommies like me.  I hope that my words do help others, but in ways the blogging helps me.  It helps me get thoughts out and memories written down.  I don't even know if anyone reads my blog (ok, I know of maybe a few that read it).  And probably for the most part this goes out into the cyber-blog world to never be read again.  Maybe it's not all that I had hoped for my blog (if I'm being completely honest).  But as long as I am trying to glorify God with my life, maybe I have inspired at least one person and if not I feel like it is making me a better mommy.

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