Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's Time!

Today has been a long day, but a good one. After another cell phone taking a bath, I have my lifeline back. But the other part of my day has been dealing with Annabelle and weaning of the binky.

It all started yesterday afternoon/evening. She was leaving with my hubby and we couldn't find her binky. So she took a binky with her that she didn't like to hold in her hand. I purposely didn't look for the binky while she was gone. When she got home, she had been fine. I gave her the binky she didn't like at bed, but she just threw it on the floor and slept the whole night with NO binky!!!!

So far today, she has been pretty whiny at times, but it's been survivable. I was really dreading nap time. I laid her down at the normal time and let's just say that didn't work. After working with her for like 2 hours to take a nap, we had to leave to pick up the school girls. Luckily on the way home she got pretty sleepy and went down without a problem.
With my second girl, she did awesome at night with no binky but nap time was horrible. That's when she stopped taking naps. With my FM and 3 children, I cannot have Annabelle stop taking naps right now. So let's just hope and pray that naps will get figured out.
Originally, my hubby wasn't ready yet to get rid of the binky, but if the opportunity comes up you minds well take it.

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