Friday, August 28, 2009

Fibro Friday - I am not Alone

Fibro Fridays will be a day of education and sharing about FM. I hope this will become a support to you if you have FM or any other physical disability. If you don't have any physical disability, I hope that this will give you insight to my life and others and give you greater understanding.

So this was a bad week, to put it bluntly. Monday started out great and then it all went down hill from there. With FM, I can have good days and bad days, and then there are those bad weeks or months. On these bad days, my pain levels are very high, walking can be extremely difficult and painful. Getting out of bed is so hard. Imagine the last time you had the flu or even Mono. Every move you make is painful, and you have absolutely NO ENERGY to even walk to the bathroom, comb your hair, or even get dressed. This is what most of my days look like. Yes, I know I can put on a good face to the outside world and am forced to function even if I am feeling this way, but inside is a completely different story.

I have always wished that I were "normal" and were like all the other moms that I know. That I could do whatever I wanted in a day and not worry about having to take a nap just so that I have enough energy to pick my girls up from school or go to the grocery store. But this week, after finding new support online and starting this blog, I have come to a greater acceptance of my disability. I am not like "normal" moms and might never be. But I have accepted where God has me and where He is taking me. And I AM NOT ALONE!!!!!

There are so many more people who are where I am at or have been there. They know how hard it is to just get out of bed in the morning, to sleep or walk because the pain is so bad, or be an active mother to 3 beautiful girls. They have been there and know exactly where I am at. I do not need to feel alone anymore, and I take great comfort in this. I am "normal" for me and I do love who I am.

It is in these bad days/weeks/months, that I must remember to focus on the positives, remember how lucky I am to have my hubby, girls, and family there as a support. It has been a huge blessing that I have always had a supportive hubby. He has never doubted or questioned my illness. He is there to help me and make accommodations to make my life easier. Babe, I love you and am so thankful for your love for me. My family has also been there to help support me emotionally and physically (thanks Mom for being my house cleaner!)

So if you are having one of those bad days/weeks/months, take comfort in the fact that you are loved, you are breathing and alive, and YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!! Be thankful for the love and support you receive and pray for the Lord to see you through the day. You can hope and pray that tomorrow will be a good day and that all that matters is that your family and friends know that you love and care about them.

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