Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fibro Friday: Christmas with FM

Ok, I know it's not Friday, but here we go...  Christmas with FM...what else is there to say???  It sucks!!!  (excuse my french)  For that matter, any Holiday, birthday, fun events, etc. can be thrown in there too.

I will be completely honest and say that the month of December was really hard on me.  I am taking note to see if it is the weather change (boy, I could never survive somewhere that snows).  Or maybe it just was a bad month.  There was a lot of pain, little/no energy, and a lot of depression.  I know people are hesitant or scared to talk about the depression, but I am going to venture out and talk about it.

Depression is a big side effect of FM.  It's a huge cycle.  You get depressed because you don't feel good and can't do anything, then because you are depressed you don't feel like doing anything, then you get more depressed because you don't feel good, and it goes on and on.  A lot of FM patients are on anti-depressants and you should not feel ashamed at all. 

It probably was a culmination of not feeling good, our financial situation, life, etc.  But I feel like I am out of it now, which is soooo good!  It helps that I have a husband and family that is there to help me and that I can be honest with and say "hey, I am not doing good, I need a little extra support."

If you are suffering from any depression, please don't be afraid to seek out help.  Whether it be family, a friend, or a professional, get some type of help.  You do not need to be suffering or dealing with this on your own.

Here's to Depression Free Days!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry Christmas

Ok, ok, so this is totally late, but I wanted to get it in.  I do love Christmas, (but not as much as Thanksgiving.)  I had enough energy to get up all my decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving which was awesome.  If the decorating goes into December I get depressed and wonder what's the point of finishing.

We had a very nice December, full of family time and great quality time with our girls.  We were completely blessed this Christmas from family and strangers to help give our girls a great Christmas.  I am sad that we didn't celebrate Jesus' birthday more this year.  At least my girls know it was Jesus' birthday and that it is the reason for Christmas.  We always have next year, and all year long too.

I will do a separate post about Christmas with FM.  But I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior!

Monday, December 7, 2009

No Santa Here!

This may come as a huge shock and surprise, but we don't celebrate Santa Claus.  Growing up, my parents always told us the truth and we knew Santa was fake.  With ML's family, they completely celebrated Santa.  ML remembers when a cousin told him at age 8 that there was no Santa and he was completely crushed and devastated.

As we started dating and were engaged, I was quite clear that my children would not believe in Santa.  And thankfully, ML agreed.  We didn't want our kids to grow up with the "lie" of Santa.  We heard of a little girl who one day asked her mom "Mommy are you going to tell me that Jesus isn't real just like Santa?" That just really hit home for us and we are happy with our decision to not celebrate Santa with our girls.

Now this belief has really shocked people over the years.  We are absolutely fine if others do it with their children.  And usually when someone asks my girls "what do you want from Santa this year?", they just smile (they are too shy anyway to talk to others, which kinda helps).  It has made us do some extra talking to the girls when they hit school to not ruin it for other kids, but for the most part it has gone smoothly.  We thankfully have several friends who believe the same, which has made it so much easier with their support. 

What is your family tradition?  Santa or no Santa?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fibro Friday: Oops I Did It Again!

One of the hardest things with FM for me is to pace myself.  You feel bad for so many days or weeks, that as soon as you get feeling good you over do it.  You say to yourself "well while I have the energy, I mindswell get enough done as I can."  And then before you know it, you are back in a flare-up. 

Most of the time I am pretty good about pacing myself.  However, ML has been home for over a month with a medical condition and I am just in this mode of I need to get it all done.  Which, of course, now I am paying for.  So I am retraining my brain and making myself pace myself.  I have been turning down friends and family for activities so that I can make myself rest.  I am barely doing anything during the day so that I can build up the strength again.  Especially with the holidays coming, I really need to do this now or I will be SOL when they arrive.

So your goal for the day or week or month is to pace yourself.  It doesn't all need to be done NOW.  Things can wait, save your energy for your kids and your hubby!  Good luck!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Being Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Throughout this month, a lot of friends have posted something everyday that they are thankful for on Facebook.  We have been dealing with a family crisis and so I haven't participated.  So today I will list 30 things I am thankful for.  I hope you have a blessed day and remember to thank God for all of the things in your life!

1.  My wonderful husband, who is so completely understanding with my FM
2.  My lovely girls, who make life so much fun
3.  Our house and the fact that we are able to own one
4.  Hot water
5.  Electricity
6. Awesome parents who are so supportive
7. Great in-laws who are very supportive
8. Wonderful friends
9. My cry and prayer friend (you know who you are)
10. Cars that work (even if they are on their last leg)
11. My daughters teacher and school
12.  Our great church
13.  Our pastor who only speaks the truth
14.  That my hubby has a stable job
15.   That at the moment, we are all pretty healthy
16.  That we have food in our fridge and pantry
17.  We have clothes and shoes to wear
18.  All of our bills are some how being paid for
19.  The computer and internet, without which I would have no blog :)
20.  Our backyard, we spend so much time out there and have created so many memories
21.  My brother and his new wife (can't wait to meet you Nadine)
22.  That ML and I get to go to S. Africa for my brother's wedding celebration in July
23.  My physical therapist, she is working wonders with my body
24.  For insurance, that pays for my physical therapist
25.  That the Lord gets me through my pain (along with wonderful pain pills)
26.  That God is constantly watching over us and protecting us
27.  That God never gives us more than we can handle
28.  That we get to praise and worship God whenever and where ever we want
29.  That the Lord is ALWAYS in control
30.  That we never have to want or worry about anything since God has it all taken care of

Have an absolutely blessed day!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Not again!

All I can say is "Not again????"  Why does it always seem that around holidays I happen to be in a flare-up or start one?  I started a pain flare-up after physical therapy on Friday and have been in so much pain since then.  I have taken more pain pills in the last few days than I ever have.  And now Thanksgiving is only two days away, ugghhh!

I am thankful that I am alive, but just feel so bad for ML, girls, and family.  I wish I felt better.  There is nothing like waking up on a holiday morning and being able to only last an hour or two before I need to go back to bed.  It can be so frustrating at times.

I have been trying to get some extra rest these few days leading up to Thanksgiving in hopes that Thanksgiving Day won't be too bad.  And thankful that I have a completely understanding husband that is working with me and giving me the rest I need (thanks ML)!

If you are struggling in some way right now, hang in there!  Focus on what you have and just pray that the people in your life will be understanding and accomodating.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Kid Funny

While leaving the mall in our area, our 8 year old said:

                    "Look Daddy, there is a big dick!"

(this was in reference to the Dick's Sporting Goods store at the mall)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fibro Friday: Physical Therapy Update

I have been doing physical therapy now for about a month now, going 2 times a week.  My evaluation of it at this time is that it is TOTALLY working.  When my physical therapist started working on me, all she could say when she tested my muscle was "Oye Beckey."  My muscles were so extremely tight, on a scale of 1-10 I probably started out at a 9-10.  But she has slowly been stretching them and I can totally feel a difference.

Now I still have had a pain flare-up, but the stretching and exercises helped me get through it.  My hope is that it will help lessen the pain flare-ups and reduce the time of a flare-up.  And for over all life, it is helping me be a more flexible in everyday life.  I can stand longer, play with my girls more, and move better.  Now it hasn't taken away my FM, just made life more bearable with it.

Thank God we have great insurance and I have no co-pays.  Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to even go.  So if you are suffering from FM, talk to your doctor about the option of physical therapy.  It may be good for you too!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Three Gifts

As a way to help cut down on Christmas gifts expenses and also teach a lesson at the same time, we have started the "3 Christmas Gifts."  As most everyone probably knows the story, after Jesus was born, 3 Wise Men or Kings came to look for Jesus.  They brought with them 3 gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.  Based on this, we only buy 3 gifts for each girl. 

After hearing of a few friends that follow this, we decided that it was a great idea for our family.  On the financial side of things, it really helps to not go overboard with gift giving.  This is our second year doing this and I am really loving it especially since we are even more financially strapped than usual.  It helps us financially plan out exactly what 3 gifts we are buying them and how much they are (sometimes you can bundle a few small ones together as one gift too).  Another reason we went with it was because our girls always get spoiled from their Grandparents and Aunt and Uncle, so we don't need to spoil them.  They don't need tons of presents and they are remembered that Jesus received 3 special gifts when He was born.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Whatever Works!

I have a 2 1/2 year old that is obsessed with wearing shoes and socks to bed. 

              Go figure, whatever gets her to bed works for me!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Christmas Help

Christmas stress has already started for us, well, financial stress I should say.  We are spending the least we have ever spent on Christmas before and are having to make each penny count.  This year we will be buying gifts for our 3 girls, and maybe my neice and nephew - THAT'S IT! 

In order to help us spend what little money we have the best, I wanted to pass along a great website.  Want to actually make money this season?  Try Ebates!  Ebates is a website that you sign up with, and then you can search hundreds of stores to get specials and cash back discounts (fyi, if you do sign up under me I get a credit, but that's not the reason why I am telling you about this).  You can also refer friends and get a credit if they sign up. 

So here's how it works:  I got some birthday money and wanted to buy a designer purse.  I found my purse on  So I went to Ebates and pulled up Nordstroms on their list of stores and went to Nordstroms through Ebates (they set up a tracking ticket).  You then do your shopping and each store is set up with a different percent of money you get back from your purchase.  You can also get deals for free shipping, etc. with the different stores.

With my purse, I got back $3.60  (I know, doesn't seem like a lot, but they add up).  Today, I ordered stocking stuffers for the girls from Avon (a friend is a rep).  They have them really cheap and I will get 5% cash back on my purchase.  They have tons of stores like Walmart, Kmart, Shutterfly (15% cashback), Snapfish (10%), Old Navy, and the list goes on.  Since I usually do a lot of my shopping online and Christmas pictures, I figure why not make some money in the process.  I already have almost $15 in my account and I am not done yet. Wonder how much I will get back just for the holidays???  I'll let you know.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Something to encourage you through the troubles and trials of life.  This is my favorite song right now, hope it speaks to you.

I was sure by now,
God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day. 
But once again,
I say amen
and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.

And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You
and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who give and takes away


I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth


Monday, November 2, 2009

Shout Out!

I just have to say that I have the bestest neighbor EVER!!!!  She is more than a neighbor, she is my friend.  She is there to bail me out when I run out of eggs or start a spaghetti dinner and have no sauce.  She has helped so much with my girls and her hubby has come to my rescue a time or two.

I am glad that we are neighbors and better yet, that we are friends.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy November!!!!!

November is here!!!!!  That means Thanksgiving time, family get togethers, turkey and mashed potatoes.  I love Thanksgiving.  Not sure exactly why, but it is my most favorite time of year.  The weather here in AZ is finally cooling off, this last week we got to where jeans and jackets.  It was so nice. 

What Thanksgiving traditions do you have?  How do you share with your kids about the meaning behind Thanksgiving?  I would love to hear what other people do to celebrate.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dead Battery

What is your battery charge?  Imagine that most people go to bed at night, get a full nights sleep and wake up with their batter charge at 75% to 100%.  For someone with FM (and I am using me as the example), I am lucky if I wake up with my battery at 50% after a full nights sleep.  On the bad days, it is 25% or less.  Now imagine trying to function all day with your battery starting out so can't happen. 

This is one of the hardest things to explain to other people.  When I say I am tired, people just don't understand how sever it really is.  I have started using the battery with ML so he knows exactly where I am at and when I need his help.  I will tell ML that my battery is on low or flashing red, etc.  There are some days where I can go a little longer with my battery low or if it is flashing red that means I need to lay down immediately before I collapse (literally).  It has become a good visual to let him know where I am at and to help explain to others what people with FM go through.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

PT or Bust!

Sooo, I have started doing physical therapy.  And I haven't quite made up my mind yet as to if it is working or not.  I haven't talked to anyone else with FM that has also done PT.  It seems to be working my muscles and stretching them out, but then it is causing more pain in other areas. 

I have been to the point where it is getting hard to walk or stand for long periods.  My back, hips and legs are killing me.  So something needs to happen.  I am open to trying it and hope it works, but time will only tell.  I will keep you updated.

Monday, October 26, 2009


A few funnies from a 2 year old:

A.:  MOM
Me: huh? (since I was still in bed, half asleep)
A.:  Balloon in the sky! (in reference to her balloon she lost several weeks ago)

A:  "Mom I want boys to see my boobies" (After explaining to her that she needed to keep her shirt on in a restaurant)

When trying to take a picture of A. petting a bunny, I said "A. look at mommy."  And she turns to the bunny and tells it to "Look at mommy."

"I hungy Mommy, I really hungy!"

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sleep? What's that?

Sleep is such a hard thing to come by when you suffer from FM.  You can have problems falling asleep, problems staying asleep, insomnia and even sleep apnea.  One of my biggest problems was that I would go to bed at night and wake up the next morning feeling like I never went to sleep.  I would either have so much pain that I couldn't go to sleep or stay asleep or I would be in this weird half asleep/half awake state all night.  This would cause me to wake up still tired and have absolutely no energy.
A lot of people who suffer from FM have sleep disorders.  People with fibromyalgia lack the deep, restorative level of sleep, called "non-rapid-eye-movement" (non-REM) sleep.  They are not able to go into the deep REM sleep that our bodies so desperately need.  When you are in the REM state, that's when our bodies repairs and replenshes themselves.  So most doctors choose to try to focus on getting you sleeping better first. 
Once I was able to get my sleeping under control, I started feeling better.  Now of course, with children sleeping can still sometimes be difficult and I still wake up with no energy on certain days.  But at least now I have medicine that can help me to fall asleep and stay asleep.
And even if you don't have FM, sleep is such a huge thing for us. So get your sleeping under control.  It will make for a happier you and a happier mommy and wife.

Check here for more information.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No Go!

So tonight I am supposed to be going to the U2 360/Blackeyed Peas concert with ML for his birthday.  We have floor seats.  Last week we got an email stating changes for the floor/general admission seats.  Turns out there was no longer going to be any seats, standing room only, no chairs allowed. 
This really got me am I going to be able to stand for over 5-6 hours without sitting AT ALL???  I decided that it would be best that I didn't go.  There is no way I could last for that long, I would be in too much pain and just couldn't do it. 
I was actually looking forward to going with ML.  Several years ago I couldn't go because we had a baby at the time.  But oh well, what am I going to do?  I think that this is the first, real event that I have had to cancel due to my FM.  There have been family things and small things with friends that I have had to cancel or postpone.  But nothing real major.  Hopefully this will be something that is far and few between.

Have fun ML, wish I were there with you!

Monday, October 19, 2009


The other day we were in a restaurant and little A. decided to stand up in her high chair and start pulling her shirt up.  She wanted to take it off and I told her no "because we didn't want the boys to see her boobies."  And then she proceeds to stick out her chest and in her 2 1/2 year old voice says "I want the boys to see my boobies!"  Kids, gotta love them.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Shout Out!

I would like to send a Shout Out to ML.  Since his broken foot has finally healed, he has been busting his butt these last two weekends making some extra money.  Since Thursday, he will have done 7 football games by the end of today.

Thank you so much ML for doing this extra stuff to help us finacially.  The girls and I love you so much and appreciate your hard work.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fibro Friday - What doctor?

As some of you read through my story, you may relate to some of the symptoms.  But where to start?  Which doctor to go to?  I guess it would all depend on your insurance, so you probably need to start with your primary care doctor and they can send you to a specialist from there.  I have learned that there really isn't one specialist that deals with FM, there are several.

I honestly can't remember why or who suggested that I go to a Rheumatologist 9 years ago, but for some reason that's where I ended up and that's who diagnosed me.  And I have seen a Rheumatologist ever since.  I try to keep all of my FM issues with one or two doctors.  It is better for your records and easier for the docs if everything is not so spread out between docs.

If you feel like you have been experiencing some of the symptoms, please seek medical help and not suffer alone.  Here is a list of docs that can diagnose and treat FM in case you are in need of some answers.  (All info is taken from website linked below).

Doctors who specialize in treating FM and pain:

Rheumatologists diagnose and treat arthritis and other diseases of the joints, muscles, and bones. This includes fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, lupus, back pain, osteoporosis, bursitis, and tendinitis.

Pain specialists are usually board certified anesthesiologists, neurologists, physiatrists, psychiatrists, or oncologists with additional training in pain management. They receive credentials from the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) in collaboration with the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (ABPMR) and the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABP&N). Or they may receive credentials from the American Board of Pain Medicine.

Neurologists diagnose and treat disorders of the nervous system. This includes treating common pain problems such as headaches, back pain, muscle disorders, fibromyalgia, neuropathy (carpal tunnel syndrome), and reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD).

Orthopedists specialize in the diagnosis, clinical treatment, and surgical repair of bone injuries. They also treat muscle problems and joint tissues -- tendons, ligaments, cartilage.

Psychologists diagnose and provide therapy for problems associated with pain, perception, and emotional issues.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Whiny Day

Ok, so here is my first whiny day.  I am in so much pain, I am not motivated to do anything.  My kitchen is a mess, living room, bedroom, bathrooms, the list goes on.  But I can't get the pain to go away.  It's mainly in my legs and hips so it hurts to stand, to walk, to sit.

One of the new meds my doc started me on is extremely helping my pain at night, but during the day is another question.  The meds I do have I can't take during the day.  Let's just say that they wouldn't mix with me and a 2 year old, I wouldn't be able to function on them.  Thank goodness I see my doc in another week or so, then we can try to get a better med to help me during the day. 

If you are having extreme pain or fatigue today, or are just having a bad day all together, hang in there.  Like I like to remind myself, this too shall pass.  I am not going to worry about all of the stuff I can't get done today and focus on all the blessings I do have.  Honestly, is anyone gonna die because the kitchen is a mess or the bathroom, NO.  As long as your loved ones know they are loved, that's all that really matters. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Love

It started 9 years ago, the beginning of a college class, aptly named Marriage and Courtship.  It was the 2nd night of class, and there was a boy in my seat.  Who would have ever thought that he was to be my husband? 

Through the entire semester, we became friends and a love was growing that I didn't know was there.  Our first date was October 31st, and there began a whirlwind of a courtship.  We fell hard and we fell fast, it was totally meant to be.  I had found my best friend and the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. 

On a Spring day in March, I knew he was up to something.  He took me to "our bench" and there he got down on one knee and proposed. 

October 14, 2000 we became husband and wife and as they say the rest is history.  We have had our share of ups and downs and I can honestly say the only reason we have survived is because of Christ in our marriage.  And the fact that the "D" word is not in our vocabulary.  We are together, FOREVER!!!

The last 9 years have brought us three beautiful girls and tons of memories.  We have both grown and learned knew things that have molded us into who we are today.  We are still in love and committed to making our marriage work.

So to you, my love, my best friend, thank you for giving me the best 9 years out of my life.  (I know that we will have another 50+ years.)  Thank you for the husband and father you have become.  I couldn't imagine life any different.  I love you!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Mommy business is hard

Being a Mommy is hard sometimes, well most of the time, especially when your kids are sick.  The debate of whether to take them to the doctor or not.  How long to wait the fever out? It can go on and on. 

It has been proven by doctors that I have a very keen sense of Motherly Intuition (not to toot my own horn), so I have always relied on that.  And when in doubt, I believe it's always better to be safe than sorry. 

I have a feeling that this cold and flu season is going to be even crazier with the Swine Flu out there.  And as moms, I think we are going to have to be even more diligent to make sure we keep our kids safe and healthy.

So as this "fun" season is upon us, good luck to you.  Listen to that small voice that is your Motherly Intuition.  And I rather have a doctor tell me that it's just a cold, rather than not act on something that could be very serious.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fibro Friday - Fibromyalgia in the Bible

Fibromyalgia has been around for centuries. In fact, it has been written that Cleopatra suffered with this condition.  But how come you never hear of any "stars" having it.  I did some research and could only find a handful of people and then I found something that goes back to the day of Christ.

It could be inferred that Job (from the Bible) suffered from FM.  There are many verses that decribe his suffering and pains that were very similiar to FM.  In Chapter 7:3-4 it is written: " So am I allotted months of vanity, and nights of trouble are appointed me. When I lie down I say, 'When shall I arise?' but the night continues, and I am continually tossing until dawn." 

In Chapter 30: 16-17: "And now my soul is poured out within me; days of affliction have seized me.  At night it pierces my bones within me, and my gnawing pains take no rest."  (New American Standard Bible)

This makes me feel a little better.  I believe the Bible as the true word of God.  And if it's in the Bible then I really know that it's not "all in my head."

Thursday, October 8, 2009

No Hot Water For You!

We, as Americans, have a tendency to take so many things for granted.  It's only when things are taken away that we realize how much we rely on something or how it would be so difficult to live without it.  

As of yesterday we were going on 4 days with NO hot water.  Sunday we thought something might be wrong with our water heater.  It wasn't until Monday that we figured it out because all of the hot water was gone from the tank.  I hate cold water (unless I am drinking it) and especially to shower in it.  My hubby and I had been braving the cold showers, but after my shower Tuesday morning I was done.  I was willing to go without until our water heater was fixed.  And of course there was no way we were going to bathe the girls in it.  We had so many offers from friends to use theirs (which we were so thankful for) and others suggested boiling water on the stove to make a bath.  I went with the easiest and Tuesday night we went to our neighbors house to bathe the girls (thank you guys so much for letting us use your hot water).  

Thank you Lord that it only took until Wednesday morning to get someone to come out.  The repair man was here for 20 minutes and had it fixed.  Thank you again Lord that it was such an easy fix and that all parts were under warranty.  We had a not so bad $60 fee for labor.  But it really does make you think. 

I think of how lucky we are to have running water (let alone it being heated), food on the table, gas for our cars, electricity to help us survive the miserable summers here in AZ.  The list goes on and on.  We all need to take time out of our busy lives to thank the Lord for all of the modern conveniences that He has blessed us with. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


October is upon us.  As I look back at September, I wonder where it went.  I remember writing how excited I was to get my Fall decorating done and I usually complete it the first few days of September.  And here we are the first weekend in October and I finally have it done.  It is normally such a joy to do it and this year it was such a chore and an agony.

When you are in a flare-up, all of the weeks just end up blurring together.  You think that only 2-3 weeks have passed, when really it has been 5-6 weeks of a flare-up.  For everyone, time seems to go by way to fast.  But dealing with FM and everything associated with it, time seems to go by even faster.  Before you know it, you have spent months in a flare-up with nothing to show for it.  You suffer in silence and try to act as normal as you can. 

If you are in a flare-up, just keep hanging on.  Learn to only focus on one day at a time or one hour at a time (if it is that bad.)  Focus on all of the blessings that you have.  Ignore the thougths of doubt and despair. We are in this together and will survive it.  We will survive, YOU will survive!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ding Dong the Binky's Gone!

One stressful moment in our child's life is breaking them of the binkie (well, at least it has been for us).  We have had 3 binkie babies (which I prefer rather than the thumb.)  The first one was so absolutely hard to break, the second one was pretty easy (except for the fact that she stopped taking naps), and my little A. has not been too bad so far.

Everyone varies as to when they think the binkie should go bye-bye.  My thought is usually around age 2.  We weren't very anxious with A. since she is our last baby.  It's been nice to hold onto the baby stage for a little longer.  But usually an opportunity arises that you must take hold of and just run with it.  For two of our girls it was loosing all of the binkies somewhere in the house.

This opportunity arose and I ran with it (hubby was not totally excited about it, but oh well.)  So far, so good.  I am a stand firm, don't give in and A. is doing pretty good.  Bed time and naps times are still a bit of a struggle, but they are getting better.  (I use the super nanny trick of putting them back in their bed over and over and it has been working.)

Here are a few tips to help you break your little one from the binkie:

*Put the binkie inside of a Build-A-Bear.  That way they still have the binkie to hold but not put in their mouth.  (My hubby came up with this idea and that's what worked with our #1.)
*Loose all of the binkies and just tough it out with crying and so forth - DON'T GIVE IN!!!!
*Put a small hole/cut the tip off in the binkies so that is affects the sucking and they don't want them anymore, you will still probably have to deal with some crying, etc., but DON'T GIVE IN!!!
*Start limiting the binkie to bed time and car time only.  Make them leave it at home or in the car when you are out in public or with friends.
*If they are old enough, have your dentist have a talk with them and then have then turn over the binkies to the dentist.

Worst case you have some whining and crying for a day or two, but eventually they will forget all about them.  What have you tried?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Random Mommy Thought

Tweezers work great for retrieving a  
             corn kernel out of your toddlers nose.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fibro Friday - Help Yourself!

When you suffer from FM, you sometimes wonder "what can I do to help make things easier?" I have never asked a doctor this question, but have thought about it. With doing research and talking to others on FM forums, I found this great article. (To read the full article, click on the link below.)

Here are 3 Things That Patients Can Do For Themselves:

1. Self-education. Understanding the battlefield is often half the battle. As people with fibromyalgia develop a better understanding of their condition, it becomes far easier to cope with and address.
2. Stress reduction. Reducing stress can help with muscle relaxation and improve non-Rapid Eye Movement (non-REM) sleep. Inadequate sleep of this type is felt to play a central role in promoting the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
3. Exercise. Aerobic activities that exercise the muscles can work together with the methods above to greatly relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Many experts on fibromyalgia feel that exercise works by promoting the non-REM sleep that is commonly deficient in patients with this illness.

Hopefully this might help you and your battle. Keep on fighting the fight and don't give up!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Take Charge!

Today I go to my new/old Rheumatologist:

Ever since I was diagnosed, I have seen a Rheumatologist (that's actually who diagnosed me).  Now there have been several long periods (3 to be exact) where they have not been able to treat me because I was either pregnant or nursing.  During that time, I would just try to survive my symptoms as best as I could.  And I have still had that mindset until recently.  Why should I live like that anymore?  Why not take advantage of the medications and treatments available to me?  Since there are no more children that will be taking over my body, it's time I take charge of my body.  I am now armed with a new confidence and an understanding of FM and I am prepared to take a more active role in treatment of my symptoms.

Due to an insurance change, I am going back to my doc that I last saw in 2006.  With looking back, I don't think my doctor or I was doing all that was possible to treat my FM.  I think that my new/old doc is a good doctor (obviously I have chosen to go back to her), but I just never knew what questions to ask and just did what she told me.  I was also unaware of all of the other illnesses/symptoms that I have that are actually associated with FM.  So how can the doctor treat you if you don't tell the doctor what you are experiencing?  And how can you know what to tell the doctor if you haven't educated yourself on your illness and all that's associated with it?  It really takes a joint effort on your part and your doctors.

There are a few states that have actual FM centers that treat just FM.  (But I don't have that in AZ.)  I would really like to be able to go to one of these centers one day, but I am confident that between me and my new/old doc I will start seeing some improvement in my life.  I am excited to try and get my pain more under control or the proper medicine to treatment when it is at it's worst.  I am excited on getting some medicine to help with some of the annoinances/side affects that come with FM.  My theory is going to be:  if there is help/treatment available, why not take advantage of it?

It is my body and I am the only one that can be in tune enough with it to help guide and direct the doctors to treat me to the best of their ability.  Today will be a new start to me being in charge of my body, no more putting me aside.  Like I like to say, "if there ain't no mommy, there ain't no family!"  (I don't think I have actually ever said it out loud, but I think it quite often.  And I don't mean to put the hubby's down at all, because I have a great hubby.)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Baby Is 8!

Today, my baby turns 8. I remember so clearly the emotions I felt when we found out we were pregnant. It was completely unplanned, but we knew that God was in charge and had a plan. It was an emotional last trimester with 9/11 happening. All of the pregnant moms who had just lost their husbands in this great tragedy struck so close to my heart. I will always remember them and the sacrifice they have made. 

It was a scary delivery that brought along emotions we had never felt before. From birth to about age 3, we went through so much with our E. medically. The emotions are still fresh from the pain, procedures, and surgery that she had to have. It is amazing how much love you can have for someone.

E. has brought so much joy to our lives, and we couldn't imagine life without her. She is a sweet, caring little girl (well, I guess not that little anymore). She is the 2nd mommy to A. and a teacher to G. and all her friends. She is growing up to be so kind and gentle. I have high hopes for her teenage years.

I know some how we will probably screw our kids up and they will need therapy at some point :). But I just pray that I will have been a good enough Godly example to her as a mother and a wife.

Happy Birthday to our first gift from God. We love you so much!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Horse Time!


Once again, Craigslist's free section has come to my rescue. Our E. wanted so desperately to go horseback riding for her birthday. We are completely experiencing the economic status right now so I started researching how much horse riding would be. Of course, it turned out to be completely too expensive. I turned to friends to see if anyone had a horse and then I was once again on Craigslist.

Then I saw it "Free Horse Rides"! I just knew God had put it there just for me. I immediately called. It turns out that Victory Farms is only a few miles from our house (303 and Waddell).  

They wanted $5 for each girl to ride for 20 minutes (they also offer a 2 hour camp for $12 per kid).   So for $15 the girls rode for about 45 minutes (guess this B1G1 is for all new customers, she has other deals on the website under programs.)  We probably could have extended this if we wanted too, but everyone had had enough.

It was absolutely PERFECT!!!!  Each girl got up and rode all by themselves.  And they each took a turn with A.  They also visited the other horses on the farm and got to pet them. 

Originally we were thinking about a trail ride, but soon decided that wouldn't be ideal for us right now. My girls have never been on horses and we wanted something that was cheap and could give them a taste as to what riding a horse was like. My E. is also very afraid of new things and I didn't want to pay out the nose for something she may not even like.

 Even A. was brave enough to get up there by herself.  She really enjoyed it, except for the helmet was a little big.

With the Tyk Rides, the parents get to lead the horse around.  We got to ride Buddy today.  You can go in the pen or walk around the neighbor hood.I completely recommend checking them out. We had so much fun and here are the pics to prove it. 

 Happy Birthday Emily!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fibro Friday - What is a Flare-up?

Some of you might hear me say that I am in a "flare-up" and you might not understand exactly what that is. So I thought I would just take some time to explain it.

In my everyday life, I have my good days and bad days. And then there are the flare-ups, where everyday is a bad day. Flare-ups can last for a few days, a few weeks, or even months. After I had Annabelle, I felt like I was in a flare-up for over a year. My flare-up that I have been in now is finally starting to ease up, (which is about time it has already been over 4 weeks).
On an everyday basis, I have my usual symptoms and complications from FM that range from mild to severe. During a flare-up you can get a sudden onset of more severe symptoms, more pain, or get every symptom possible all at once. It really varies from person to person.

There are times when I can figure out exactly what triggered my flare-up and other times it just seems to happen. Once again, that is completely different for each FM suffer. Some things that can bring on a flare-up are: depression, interrupted sleep patterns, changes in weather, physical and emotional stress , and other illnesses can contribute to a flare-up.

For those of you with FM, it is important that you have a Personal Fibromyalgia Symptoms Flare-Up Management Plan. Having a plan a head of time, can make you feel more in control and give you the strength to get through your flare-up. The website link above gives some great tips for helping you get through your flare-up. For me, getting control of my mental thoughts during a flare-up is very important. That completely controls how well I handle a flare-up.

I have linked a few websites that offer some great tips for managing and helping you get through your flare-up.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's Time!

Today has been a long day, but a good one. After another cell phone taking a bath, I have my lifeline back. But the other part of my day has been dealing with Annabelle and weaning of the binky.

It all started yesterday afternoon/evening. She was leaving with my hubby and we couldn't find her binky. So she took a binky with her that she didn't like to hold in her hand. I purposely didn't look for the binky while she was gone. When she got home, she had been fine. I gave her the binky she didn't like at bed, but she just threw it on the floor and slept the whole night with NO binky!!!!

So far today, she has been pretty whiny at times, but it's been survivable. I was really dreading nap time. I laid her down at the normal time and let's just say that didn't work. After working with her for like 2 hours to take a nap, we had to leave to pick up the school girls. Luckily on the way home she got pretty sleepy and went down without a problem.
With my second girl, she did awesome at night with no binky but nap time was horrible. That's when she stopped taking naps. With my FM and 3 children, I cannot have Annabelle stop taking naps right now. So let's just hope and pray that naps will get figured out.
Originally, my hubby wasn't ready yet to get rid of the binky, but if the opportunity comes up you minds well take it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Friend to the rescuueee!!!

Finally, we have pictures. After we were stood up by the other photographer, I thought we were out of luck for pictures. And then my friend came to the rescue! She is starting up a picture taking business and wanted to use my girls are her test subjects :).

I went ahead and put the girls in white shirts and khaki shorts. But I was not sure what to do with their hair (because Gracey is growing out her bangs and it still at an awkward point). So we went with pony tails. Since my girls new the friend pretty well, they did awesome. They had so much fun. I did have to go hide a bit away from Annabelle because she started getting whiny and wanted mommy. But as soon as I was gone, she did great. She ended up posing and having fun.

So thank you friend, we are soooo happy with the pictures. They turned out awesome!