In these economic times, finding the positive in your financial struggles can be very hard. I know that a lot of my friends are having just as hard of a time surviving or harder time. My hubby and I have really been facing our financial issues head on. I totally recommend this because I am one who loves to just ignore it instead. But no more avoiding, no more ignoring. Bring it on!!!!! We have our new budget that we are living penny for penny. We have refocused our minds and are focusing on all the things we do have instead of what we don't.
But we are not perfect in this, we all have our slip-ups. This last week, I was definitely faltering in my faith that God was in COMPLETE control of our family and our finances. It can be so depressing and stressful to look at your finances and focus on the lack of them rather than focus on what you do have. I had my stressed out days and days of wondering what we should do, etc.
But I am back on track now. I do believe that God is in control. He is guiding and watching over our family. As Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, and those who are called according to His purpose."
As a family, we know we are doing His will and His purpose and so we must not stress or worry about where God has us, especially financially. So stay strong in your faith that God is in control of your finances too. Even when we think that He isn't in control and not working, He really is.
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