Being a FM sufferer, it is so hurtful and frustrating when you hear people say "Oh, it's all in your head!" Don't they realize how mean and completely ignorant a statement like that is? Have they ever tried to spend a day in my shoes to see what I really go through? No, they are talking about something they have no personal or medical understanding about.
Do I wake up every morning saying "Oh, please let me be in pain today, please let me have no energy to take care of my children, or clean my house." No, it's not in my head. It is a true, physical disorder. If only people would take the time to get to know "it" and it's sufferers a little better.
Now, I admit, I have a great "face" I can put on in public, while inside I am feeling horrible and I am in so much pain I really need to sit down and take some pain medicine. I guess I do this as a defense mechanism, a way to not complain and tell everyone every single thing (because honestly I wouldn't want to hear it all), and it's just easier than trying to explain something that people can't see.
I almost wish people could see my everyday life because they would truly know how I am affected. But that would be scary all in itself because in a world where I am trying to act like a normal mom people would be able to see that I am really not normal. They would see the days that I take care of my family all from my bed, how sad I am that I just can't get up and clean or do something fun with my kids.
So take some time to learn about your family and friends and their diseases or illnesses. We don't really want too much from you, just some understanding and sympathy rather than a comment like "it's all in your head."
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