According to my Little Miss A.,
“Jesus tells us to eat candy in bed!”
Do you ever get a feeling that something is missing? Or you should be doing something and your not? Or you are wanting something, but you can’t figure out what? Well, I am there. I just can’t put my finger on it. I feel like I am forgetting something and I just don’t know what it is.
But then it’s also like I am bored. Bored of where life is and wanting a change. Maybe I am just ready for school to be over and summer to begin. I don’t know…like I said, I can’t put my finger on it.
As parents we are faced with so many decisions. Should we do this with our kids or that? Should we let them experience a certain event or not? What is the right thing to do?
We were faced with this when our friend passed away. Were we going to take the girls to her funeral? When is the right time to expose them to this? How much is too much? So many questions that you are never taught in childbirth classes. We have always been open and honest with our girls about life and death and we remained so with this situation.
Through some discussion we decided that it was the right time for the girls to experience a funeral. (The husband also helped make the decision because he said “now you are bringing the girl, right"?) We did clarify if it was going to be an open or closed casket which was also a deciding factor (in this case it was closed).
Thankfully we had a week to prepare the girls and had many opportunities for discussions where they asked tons of great questions. We walked them through everything that would happen that day and what different things meant. We also explained what things meant to our family and our relationship with Jesus Christ.
The girls ended up doing great and really learned a lot going through this process. They each took in what they could for their age and mental ability. We were able to share and teach them so much, it’s just sad that it was due to the loss of our friend. I think that ML and I made the right decision to involve them and that it brought the girls closer to us and a greater understanding of love and life.
Well, I got some great news…..the judge approved my court case. That means I WOONNNN!!!!!!! After an almost 2 year long, tiring battle, I finally have justice on my disability case.
It was a little weird that I first got the call from social security that I had won and even now that I have received the judgment from the judge still haven’t heard from my lawyer. I’m afraid that it’s because my case wasn’t 100% successful when you look at my case overall. But for us, any win was a win. The ideal was for the judge to find me disabled back to 2001. Unfortunately, the judge only found me disabled back to 2009. But like I said, for us a win is a win.
It means a lot to hear someone of huge authority say that yes, I am disabled and that I cannot work in the working world. It is now officially on paper that I can’t do it. I do not have enough energy to function in the work place. I am in too much pain to be able to work. Overall, I just can’t do it.
And the first thing I said was waaaa hooo and Praise the Lord!!!!! It has been 10 years of suffering with FM, but honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing. This is who God made me to be and I have accepted it. The Lord is providing a way of easing our financial stress and it takes a huge load off of our chests. It has been a long time in the making, but I know that it comes perfectly in the Lord’s timing.
My poor Miss G. broke her pinky finger at school. It’s actually a cute story. Her best friend Ryley and she were playing “horses” at lunch recess. They went to pinky swear that they would always play with each other, they jumped up and some how her pinky came down and hit her friends elbow.
After it happened, she didn’t even cry. She went to a friend who is an aide at the school and whispered that she had bent her finger and asked to go to the office for ice. She told her teacher that her finger hurt, but never a tear. When she got to the car, she said “mommy, I hurt my finger” and put the finger in front of me. And of course I said “HOLY COW G., what happened?” Her poor finger was swollen twice the normal size and completely black and blue. We were going to just give it a day or so before we took her to the doctor, but ended up googling broken fingers and decided to take her to urgent care.
As soon as the doctor saw it he knew it was broken. But it couldn’t be a normal break, it involves the growth plate so off to the orthopedist we had to go. She will have to have it splinted for a total of 4 weeks, but thank the Lord no surgery. She is being such a trooper and doing great with the splint. She is only having a little pain here and there. Unfortunately for her teacher, her handwriting has been affected, but at least that’s temporary.
Spring break in March was a long, hard week. On Thursday, March 10th we lost a friend to cancer. She was a young, 30 year old wife and mother to an almost 3 year old and 5 month old little boys.
Shauna fought a good fight and gave God the praise and glory through the entire thing. Up until the end she believed that the Lord was going to cure her of this horrible disease. The end came fast and sudden to everyone. When she went into the ER on that Tuesday no one thought she wouldn’t be coming home.
ML and I have a great last memory of her that will always be in our hearts. And her hubby and her boys will forever be in our lives. We know without a doubt that God put this family in our lives for a reason and we are here to be used as God sees fit.
Shauna we are all so thankful that you are out of pain and suffering. We ALL know without a doubt that you are up in heaven with our Lord and Savior praising Him with the angels. All we can say is that we will see you one day. We still wish you were here on earth, but know that you are truly somewhere even better.
There was no April Fools going on today in our house. The most awesome, Praise the Lord moment was that our middle, Miss G. asked Jesus to come into her heart tonight. We finally found our devotional book (lost with the move and out of habit) that we would read with the girls at dinner and have been reading it the past couple nights. And it lead to her wanting to ask Jesus into her heart.
She prayed the prayer inside her head (they have always been so scared to say it aloud) as she repeated after us. We are so proud of her and so happy that she has taken this step, now we just have our Little A. left. Thank you Lord that you have given us girls that have a heart for loving you!