For some reason, my girls like to watch me go through my medicine bottles and pull out all of my night time meds. The other night as I am pulling them all out, the girls are counting them as I go. When I get to the end, I ask them how many are there. And the big whapping answer is 10! And then my Miss E. says “well that’s not that many!”
Not that many??? 10 pills just at bedtime? (No wonder I have to pee so much in the middle of the night .) And she thinks its “not that many.” Silly girl, if she only knew this wasn’t normal.
Happy Birthday to my now 7 year old. Oh, how the time has flown. I remember the day so clearly and you will always hold a special place in mommy’s heart. We will always have a special connection since we are both middle children, but I love you so much.
Thanks for being our G. Poo. You are a loving, kind, sweet little girl who is full of energy and has a wild, experimental spirit.
Ugghh, my nose has been soooo sore. I was putting Little A to bed last week and by accident the back of her head slammed into my nose. It hit me hard on my glasses and shoved them in on one side of my nose. I was shocked it didn’t start bleeding. And I was shocked I didn’t wake up with a black eye. And now days later, I am still in a lot of pain.
My nose is throbbing. It is causing me headaches. Anytime I blow my nose or adjust my glasses it hurts. It’s just a nose, who knew that it could hurt so bad. I must have a deep bruise or something. I just hope this goes away soon, because I am done with it affecting my life.
And yes, I know it could be worse. I am thankful it is only my nose and nothing else. I just wanted to share one of the hazards of being a mom .