Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! 

I hope you all remember the real reason for this CHRISTmas season.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Best Wedding Gift

We have been married for 10 years and I still love and use our best wedding gift EVER!!!!  Anyone guess what it is????? 

If you guessed a Kitchen Aid Mixer then you won.  ML and I put it on our gift registery as a "joke" knowing that pretty much no one in our families could afford the several hundred dollar item.  Little did we know that a distant aunt and uncle on my side of the family would buy it for us. 

And boy has it been the best gift ever.  Especially now that I have FM it saves me so much work.  I can't even mix up a simple batch of cookie dough because it hurts to much.  Even a cake box mix hurts my wrists and hands.  So to be able to just throw a bunch of ingredients into a bowl and turn it on is AWESOME!!!

Thank you to that aunt and uncle who bought it for us, you will never know how much that gift has meant to me.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Once Again, Not As I Had Planned

Once again, I woke up this morning hoping to do some baking.  And.....I took a nap.  I even sent ML to the store to buy all the ingredients as I watched our friends kids (she had a funeral to go to).  And as soon as the kids were gone I went to bed.  At least I am a few days ahead of myself so it won't be too bad.  I think I might have a little energy now (the nap really helped) to go start some baking now. 

What makes my baking soooo my next post on the best wedding present ever.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wrapping Presents

All I can say is I LOVE wrapping presents.  BUT there is a down the end of it I am in massive pain.  My back hurts so bad from bending over and sitting up that I can hardly move.  My legs hurt from sitting on the ground that I can hardly walk.  My arms hurt from holding and lifting things that they feel like they are gonna fall off. 

So as much as I love to wrap I decided to let ML do it this year.  We were going to spend a day doing it together and then he decided he wanted a date day and wrapped them the night before.  At first I thought, but wait I wanted to help.  But then I realized that even though I loved doing it all it does is cause me pain so why not just let him do it all.  He was completely willing to so I let him. 

I figured I had had years of wrapping presents before FM and now it's time I let someone else have some fun at it.  I did go back a few days later and put some ribbon on the packages, but that was nothing and didn't cause too much pain.  Thanks to ML the hard part is done and they look just as good as if I would have done them.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Moving Along

Well, it's the 16th of December.  I am done with Christmas shopping (maybe just one more gift for ML), I am on a new diet, it's a lovely rainy, cloudy day.  What else could I ask for?  The weather has finally cooled down (darn La Nina in Arizona).  ML and I haven't cheated on this crazy diet (even though I am super hungry today and the only reason I want to cheat is because I am starving), but hey, in only a week I have lost 9.4 pounds. (And yes, I am usually  not a diet fad person, but ML is in a weight crisis and needs to get it off fast so I really don't want to hear it :).  

The girls have a half day tomorrow and then we are on Christmas break.  I can't wait.  Welcome the sleeping in, not having any plans, not having to make sure uniforms are washed and lunches are made. 

And the best part of will soon be JESUS' BIRTHDAY!!! 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Wow, I can't believe December is here.  And before we know it, it will be 2011!  Can you believe it????  I am almost all done Christmas shopping, just need to start wrapping now.  I hope you have had little stress so far and take time to enjoy this month.

Happy December!